Email Address:
1) The agency shall reimburse photographer for any additional costs the photographer may incur for travel, meals, parking, and other reasonable costs necessary to the performance of these services. 2.) The registration fee is not refundable if the model decides to quit working for the agency. I agree to the above terms
3.) Proof photographs shall be delivered to the client on CD. The client shall provide the photographer with a written list of the proof images from which final photographs are to be prepared, and specify the number and format(s) of the final photograph to be delivered for each proof image. I agree to the above term.
4.) The MODEL shall assist and cooperate with the photographer in obtaining the desired photographs, including but not limited to specifying persons and/or scenes to be photographed; taking time to pose for photographs at the Photographer's direction; providing a person to guide the photographer to desired persons and/or scenes; pre-shoot consultations, etc. NUDE PHOTOS ARE ONLY TAKEN POST/AFTER CONFIRMATION FROM THE MODEL AND OTHER CONCERNED ENTITIES. I agree to the above term.
5.) The agency retains copyright in the photogrgaphs, and hereby grants the model unlimited but non-exclusive rights to use or reproduce the photographs for which the client pays. 6.) A 20% fee is paid to the agency after net pay of an event/occassion, advertising/commercial or any public appearance by the model for branding purposes. I agree to the terms above.
7.) The model should inform the agency 3 weeks prior to resigning. Registration fee is not refundable. ***By agreeing to the above details the model confirms to have paid a full registration fee of ksh1,150/= An email to the model will be sent upon receiving the fee as future proof. I agree to the above terms.
I have made payment via;
Personal code unique to yourself that will serve as your signature. Do no disclose this to anyone.

This online form was provided by Freedback.
VegaRanks contract.
XtGem Forum catalog
This contract has been created for models out of reach and is purposed to curb distance and transport hitches.